A planning application for a phone mast on a prominent location in Whickham, Gateshead, has sparked opposition from local Liberal Democrat Councillors and campaigners.
The Glebe Sports Ground has been the location for a number of masts in recent years but local Liberal Democrats are saying, “Enough is enough.”
Local Lib Dem Councillor Peter Craig said, “I have objected to the application on the grounds it is visually obtrusive, is close to the Whickham Conservation Zone and other masts in the area could be shared.”
The phone mast, if given planning permission by Gateshead Council’s planning committee, would be built next to Rectory Lane, one of the main roads in Whickham.
The plans can be viewed on-line at www.gateshead.gov.uk. Observations about the planning application can be made in writing to Iain Armstrong, Development Control, Gateshead Civic Centre, Gateshead, NE8 1HH. You will need to quote reference number DC/10/00242/TELFUL.
Photo: left to right Cllr Peter Maughan, Cllr Neil Bradbury, Cllr Peter Craig, Cllr Mary Wallace and Sonya Hawkins)