Over 800 replies have been received so far to the Liberal Democrats survey on recycling - and there are still a few hundred homes that have not yet received their survey forms!
Councillor Peter Maughan said, "We are currently analysing the replies and will publish the replies when the survey is completed."
The survey has been carried out so far in Dunston, Teams, Streetgate, Marley Hill, Byermoor and large parts of Whickham and Sunniside.
Photo: Councillor Peter Maughan with some of the replies to the survey on recycling Liberal Democrats are carrying out.
Are they all the replies to the survey? Just one question are you in the usual habit of putting an A4 leaflet through someones letterbox without it ever creasing.
Or do you iron them once you get them back. You should have at least creased your top two, to at least try to make this photo look genuine. You really do think people are stupid don't you? just like the LIB/DEM policies all fake just like this photo. It's a shame that councillors resort to these tactics to justify their existence and fees.How easy it is to lie eh?
I pity your constituents
Why pity when they are happy enough to fill in the forms and return them to us? No one is forcing them to fill in the form. 800 have chosen to do so as they are interested in the issue and want their councillors to know their views.
Well upon zooming in on the photo as above poster has indicated I have also noticed that you only see the front of the uncreased so called replies or is that the back of one not filled in I see with no writing whatsoever on it. That is why I pity your constituents. After you have stated that " Councillor Peter Maughan with some of the replies to the survey on recycling Liberal Democrats are carrying out." They certainly don't look as though they have been through a lrtterbox to me. Anyone else think they have?(Only people on this planet need reply please).
What no comment Jonathan? Your usually straight up to reply if it is an untruth.Been caught on the hop have we.
The comments from "anonymous" and "you know who I am" certainly confirm that these two people really do know what they're talking about - NOT ! * ? * !
I don't vote Lib Dem but as a resident who completed the survey (and gladly), I would have been furious to see my local councillor in a photograph displaying the rear of survey forms with names and addresses !
All I can say to "anonymous" and "you know who I am" is, "Thank the Almighty Lord that neither of you are my local councillors if that's what you would do with returned and completed survey forms". Another thing is for certain - you two clearly could not be trusted with my own and other people's personal information, and would end up being sued if ever in a public position of trust.
Julia Wilson
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