There are concerns in Whickham that the village's hopes of further success in Britain and Northumbrian in Bloom competitions could be dented by the loss of flower beds.
"The cuts to the budget did not meet with out approval. The final decision on the cuts have not yet been made and local Lib Dem councillors are in discussion with officers to try to minimise the impact on our local villages," said Cllr Allison Chatto.
"However, there is the possibility that local groups and businesses could sponsor individual flower beds. They would get public recognition for their contribution and also boost Whickham's chances in Britain in Bloom. Judges are always impressed by community involvement."
Anyone interested in sponsoring a flower bed in any of the local villages should contact Councillor Peter Craig on
A list of the proposed cuts is included below.
The butterfly beds on Whickham Front St are set be reduced
Proposed planted areas to be removed:
Beverly Drive - remove 50% (5) flower beds
Junction Hood Street / Market Lane - remove 2 small flowebeds at side (33%)
Jubilee Terrace No 1 - remove rose bed
Whickham Bank - remove 2 rose beds
Sands Industrial Estate - corner plot T Shirt printers - remove shrubbery
Whickham Front Street - Butterfly beds - remove 4 x flower beds (at edge, not butterflies)
2 flowerbeds at St Nicholas Church in Dunston
4 beds at St Mary's Church
beds at Arthur Cook, Cedar Cres and The Drive
Marleyhill Community Centre Horseshoe Remove Flowerbed
Sunnhill APU Remove 1 x Flowebed
Marleyhill APU Bungalows Remove 1 x Rose bed
Kingsway Remove 3 x Flowerbeds
Broadway/Sunniside Road Remove 1x Rose bed
Broadway/ Sunniside Road Reduce large Rose bed
Burden Park Entrance Remove Shrubbery
Longwood Close 2 x Shrubbery to Remove
Elm Court 3 x Shrubbery to Remove
Oakfield Road Next to Supermarket Shrubbery reduce by 50%
Foxhills Side No 40 Remove Shrubbery
Foxhills covert Side No7 Reduce Shrubbery by 50%
Foxhills Covert Side/Front No 40 Reduce Shrubbery by 50%
Bryerside Close/Fellside Park Opp Entrance Reduce Shrubbery by 50%
Thistledon Ave Adj Path Remove ShrubberyFellside Road Side of 44 Remove Rose bed
Proposed areas to be left uncut:
Area on Whickham Bank opposite escape route.
Area behind Gamekeeper Pub.
LongRigg, but one metre strip to be cut at edge.
Harry Ramsden / Riverside Way, Metro Centre - but cut strip front and side
Swalwell Park, but cut one metre strip either side of path and cut fence line
North View grassland
Marley Hill Community centre…..Field at front (wet area) 50%.
The Dene… Hole Lane sunniside.
Woods junction of Fellside road/Oakfield Road.
Woods next to Grange walk and Coachman’s Public House.
Kingsway large area to be left uncut 60%.
Kingsway small area to be left uncut 60%.Cloverhill SchoolArea to the rear/side of football pitch.(This area is next to fields which are cut once yearly.)
Please do not make any cut backs on the displays outside our beautiful Church. It is the highlight of the village. Also the butterfly plantings make our Village a joy to behold.
The flower beds outside St Mary's church are an important feature of Whickham and should remain as they are.
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