Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Glebe mast plan rejected

Plans by Vodaphone to site a phone mast on Rectory Lane, Whickham, have been rejected by Gateshead's Planning Committee.

The company wanted to install a mast that would have been 19.8 metres high, nearly twice the height of nearby street lights.

Cllr Peter Craig, who led the battle against the plans, said, "Phone companies are required to look at alternatives such as mast sharing. There are already masts on nearby Glebe Sports Ground. Vodaphone should have looked at the possibility of sharing them.

"Instead, Vodaphone chose to apply to put a mast on a very prominent location, close to the Whickham Conservation Zone. I argued that the mast would be an eyesore and could not be screened as it is right next to the road and a busy bus stop.

"I am pleased therefore that the Planning Committee has rejected the plan."

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