Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Call for Dunston Bank field to be tidied

A Councillor in Gateshead is pressing for action to clean up the debris from a former landmark beech tree that fell last year after storms.

Liberal Democrat Yvonne McNicol, who represents Dunston Hill on Gateshead Council, wants the debris from the 250 year old tree in the paddock at the top of Dunston Bank, Dunston, to be removed. She also wants action to make the fence around the field safer.

“I have been in discussions with the land agent for Carr Ellison Estates, who own the field, regarding the condition of the paddock and the fence – particularly in regard to the barbed wire which appeared recently.

“I have asked that the fence is replaced, considering there is very little left to repair.

“The paddock is in a very prominent location overlooking Dunston Hill so it is important it is kept presentable.”

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