Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fewer job vacancies in Gateshead

Fewer jobs are available in Gateshead following the publication of vacancies available through Job Centres.

Vacancies in Job Centres based in Gateshead have fallen by a fifth in the year to the end of March 2009. There were 16,814 vacancies available at the Job Centres at Blaydon, Felling and central Gateshead, down 4,208.

Felling and central Gateshead have reductions of 19.5%. Blaydon has a larger decrease with a 23.1%.

Neil Bradbury, Lib Dem Parliamentary Spokesman for Blaydon, said, "The drop in the number of jobs available for residents of Gateshead is worrying but not surprising, given the state of the economy.

"The Government's VAT cut has failed to boost the economy. Gordon Brown should scrap it and use the money to invest in housing improvements and green schemes.

"And he should reform the tax system to take all those earning less than £10,000 a year out of income tax completely."

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