Saturday, March 25, 2006

Security camera demand for Fewster Square

LIBERAL Democrats in the Wardley area are calling for crime busting security cameras - CCTV - to be introduced in Fewster Square. Local campaigner Paul Diston is leading the call for better security in the shopping precinct.

"Gateshead’s Labour Council have neglected Fewster Square," said Paul. "It is an important shopping area for people in Leam Lane, Felling and Wardley, but it badly needs new investment.

"Putting in CCTV will encourage more people to use the centre, and help encourage local businesses to invest in their properties."

Security experts belive that used properly, CCTV can make a big difference to levels of crime and anti-social behaviour, and help local people feel safer.

"CCTV is used widely in the town centre and some other parts of Gateshead," Paul explained. "But Labour’s Council Leaders in Gateshead have rejected Liberal Democrat demands for a proper plan to decide how CCTV can best be introduced across the whole area."

Photo: Paul Diston in Fewster Square where he is campaigning for crime busting security cameras.

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